Determine the database model for implementation. 确定要实现的数据库模型。
Database model: Encapsulates a logical and physical database design for this specific project. 数据库模型:封装供此特定项目使用的逻辑和物理数据设计。
Database model: Includes an entity relationship diagram for the databases the SOA uses. 数据库模型:包括SOA使用的数据库的实体关系图。
YQL uses the familiar relational database model of tables and rows. YQL使用人们熟悉的表格与行的关系数据库模型。
The concepts of a backup image and logs were designed for a traditional database model with lots of transactions, such as the inventory system in a warehouse. 备份映像和日志的概念是为包含许多事务的传统数据库模型设计的,比如仓库中的库存系统。
Our database model was designed to cover the three different strategies we'll discuss in this article. 我们的数据库模型是为了介绍将在本文中讨论的三个不同策略而设计的。
Applications built with this framework have three main components: database model, HTML templates ( they were ported from Django), and JavaScript code, handling requests. 使用该框架创建的应用程序有三个主要的组件:数据库模型、HTML模板(来源于Django)以及处理请求的JavaScript代码。
Merges the source models of the project into one logical database model. 将项目的源模型合并为一个逻辑数据库模型。
This report allows you to collect statistical summaries on the database model. 使用此报表可以收集有关数据库模型的统计摘要。
Removes all expected values from the project's logical database model. 从逻辑数据库模型中删除所有预期值。
Discards the project's logical database model before re-building it from the source models. 在从源模型重新创建项目前,删除项目的逻辑数据库模型。
Opens the project window within the database model drawing specified as the project. 在该项目指定的数据库模型绘图中打开该项目窗口。
Word-table structure and structural model of COMS can be found in this paper, including text model, database model and FDB model. 给出了COMS的词表结构和结构模型,这些结构模型包括:文本模型、数据库模型和FDB模型。
Database Model master stores embedded model information. 数据库模型主控形状存储嵌入的模型信息。
The research of multi-scale semi-structured spatial database model based on map calculus& spatial nesting relation 基于地图积分与空间嵌套关系的单库多比例尺半结构空间数据库模型研究
This report allows you to collect information about the constraints in an ORM or database model document. 此报告允许您收集有关orm或数据库模型文档中约束的信息。
Paste and drag-and-drop of shapes between database model documents based on different templates is not allowed. 不允许在基于不同模板的数据库模型文档之间粘贴和拖放形状。
Update source models to reflect changes to the project's collective logical database model. 更新源模型以反映对项目整体逻辑数据库模型所做的修改。
Displays the project window which lists the source model documents which are used to build this document's logical database model. 显示项目窗口,其中列出创建该文档的逻辑数据库模型所使用的源模型文档。
Design Relation Database Model Based on UML 基于统一建模语言的关系数据库模型设计
SQL Azure is based on the relational database model, complete with constraints, transactions, temporary tables, and stored procedures. SQLAzure的基础是关系数据库模型、提供了对约束、事务、临时表以及存储过程的完整支持。
The research of dynamically updated spatial database model for urban planning 面向城市规划的空间数据库动态更新模型研究
Removes all physical information in this document that was migrated from the database model project. 删除此文档中从数据库模型项目迁移来的所有物理信息。
This report allows you to collect both the logical and physical attributes of the tables in the database model. 使用此报表可以收集数据库模型中的表的逻辑属性和物理属性。
The action you executed requires a Database Model document. 执行该动作需要有数据库模型文档。
This is another aspect of how the database model is abstracted from the code. 这是另一个方面如何数据库模型是抽象的代码。
One of these models is the relational database model. 其中,这些模式是关系数据库模型。
A new definition of similar data set is proposed for some special data sets which have the same attributes in a relational database model. 采用关系数据库模型进行建模,对于同一关系框架上的数据定义了相似数据集。
So the database model and its tables should be easily accessible for administration purposes. 所以为了管理目的,应该访问数据库模型和它的数据库表。
Design your database model by writing Ejb3 entity beans. 通过写Ejb3实体Bean设计数据库模型。